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11th December 2023 Current Affairs ( English )

 “Garba of Gujarat” has been inscribed in the Representative list of Intangible Cultural Heritage List of Humanity by UNESCO

About Garba Dance :

It is a ritualistic and devotional dance performance throughout the state Gujarat. It is celebrated for nine days during the festival of Navratri. The festival is dedicated to feminine energy  or Shakti. The cultural performance, and visual  expression of this feminine  energy are expressed through the Garba Dance

What is Intangible cultural heritage  list?

Cultural Heritage does not end at monuments and collections of objects  But also includes traditions or living expressions inherited from our ancestors  and passed on to our descendants, such as oral traditions, performing arts,social practices, rituals, festive events, knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe or the knowledge and skills to produce traditional crafts.




Recently, researchers at the Indian Institute of Science Education  and Research, Bhopal (IISER Bhopal), have completed the first ever genome  sequencing  of the  Jamun tree (syzygium cumini).


About  Jamun Tree :

It is  also known as  jambolan , or black plum tree and is a Myrtacease plant  family tropical tree. It’s  natural range includes the  Indian subcontinent and South-East Asia. The  genus Syzygium  contains  1,193 recognized species,including Jamun. 


It can be grown on a wide range of soils. However  for high yield potential and good plant growth, deep loam and a well-drained soils are needed. 


It prefers to grow  under tropical and sub- tropical climate.  It is also found growing in lower ranges of the  Himalayas upto am altitude of 1300 meters. It requires dry weather at the time  of towering and fruit setting. In subtropical areas,early rain is considered to be beneficial for ripening of fruits and proper development of its size, colour and taste.


In Ayurveda the black plum is used to treat ailments such as stomach discomfort,arthritis, cardiac problems, flatulence, asthma,diarrhea, and  stomach spasm.


Recently, the  ICAR- Indian Veterinary Research Institute (ICAR-IVRI), Izatnagar ,Bareilles,has found the exact status of elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus subtypes (EEHV) and its subtypes circulating among Asian elephant population in India 

About Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus :

It is a double- stranded DNA virus that is classified in the family herpesviridae. It causes  acute, fatal hemorrhagic disease in wild and captive  juvenile  Asian and African elephant. It is lethal for young elephants between the ages of  1 and  12. The disease is usually fatal, with a short course of 28-35 hours.


Direct contact with body fluids of infected elephants (saliva,shedding from skin lesions,etc.)


Some elephants show symptoms such as reduced appetite, nasal discharge and swollen glands


It includes a combination of antiviral therapy,aggressive fluid therapy (to counter hemorrhaging), immuno-stimulant drugs (selenium and Vitamins C,E) , antipyretics and analgesics (to bring down fever).

There is no true cure for herpesvirus in animals or in humans because herpesvirus go latent.


The European Space Agency ‘s Solar Orbiter recently  captured the most detailed image of the sun’s full disc and outer atmosphere, the Corona, to date. 


About  Solar Orbiter :

It is a Sun-observing satellite with 10 science instruments, all designed to provide unprecedented insight into how the sun works. It is conceived to perform a close up study of our sun and inner hemisphere the uncharted innermost regions of  our solar system. 

It is a joint mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA. It is the most complex scientific laboratory ever to have been sent to the Sun. 

It will take images of the sun from closer than any spacecraft before and for the first time, look at its uncharted polar regions. The mission launched on February10 ,2020 released its first images in June of that year. After multiple gravitational assist maneuver at earth and venus , it started its full science operation in December 2021.

It follows elliptical orbit around the sun, with the closest point, the perihelion  at about 25 million miles(40 million kilometers) from the sun, which is closer than the orbit of Mercury. 


It carries six remote – sensing instruments to observe the sun and the solar Corona and four in-situ instruments to measure the solar wind, energetic particles, and electromagnetic fields. 


Researchers are reporting that in the years leading up to a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, individuals were more likely to have depression, constipation, urinary tract infections and sexual problems. 


About Multiple Sclerosis:

It is a long lasting (chronic) disease of the central nervous system. In people with MS ,the immune system attacks cells in the Myelin, the protective sheath that surround nerves in the brain and spinal cord. Damage to the Myelin sheath interrupt nerve signals from your brain to other parts  of your body. The Damage can lead to symptoms affecting your brain , spinal corfu,and eyes.

Eventually the disease can cause permanent damage or deterioration of the nerve fibers.

MS affects women more than men. The disorder is most commonly diagnosed between ages 20-40 ,but it can be seen at any age. 

There are many possible causes of  MS ,including 

  • Auto  immune disorder 
  • Infectious agents such as viruses 
  • Environmental factors 
  • Genetic factors 

Signs and symptoms:

It varies between patients and depends on the location and severity of nerve fibre damage in Central nervous system. 

Some people have mild symptoms such as blurred vision and numbness and tingling in the limbs 

In sever cases a person may experience paralysis, vision loss and mobility problems. 


There is no cure for multiple sclerosis. However there are treatments to help speed the recovery from attacks, modify the course of the disease and manage symptoms. 


A Pregnant Megamouth shark , a rare and  elusive Deepwater species, was recently discovered washed up on a beach in Phillipines .

About Megamouth Shark:

It is an extremely rare and unusual species of deep water shark. 

Scientific Name: Megachasma Pelagios


These sharks inhabit the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans 


They are found in deep warm oceanic water.

This species has only been observed in the wild a few times and less than 60 individuals are known by scientists to have ever been captured or observed. 


It is a large species reaching weights of 2700 pounds (1215kg)

They are typically 425-515 cm long. Females are larger than males. They are easily recognized by their huge, soft head and large mouth, which is positioned at the anterior margin of the head. The colour varies from Grey to blueish – black above and pale Grey below. 

They have a series of small, hooked teeth along their top and bottom Jaws. They are Filter feeders, and they swim with their mouths constantly wide open in order to filter out their preferred plankton prey.

The inside of their mouth is covered with light producing organs that may be used to attract pelagic crustaceans and other potential prey.

Conservation Status:

IUCN Red List: Least Concern .