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24 January 2024 Current Affairs


State of the Rhino Major Threats: 

Poaching, Habitat Loss:

  •  Poaching still threatens all five rhino species and has increased in several regions that had not previously been targeted. 
  • South Africa continues to battle devastating poaching losses of its white rhinos. 
  • Black rhino populations are increasing despite constant poaching pressure. 

Climate Change: 

  • In Africa, climate change-induced drought is causing myriad detrimental impacts. 
  • In Asia dramatically increased precipitation and longer monsoon periods could cause more direct deaths of rhinos and humans alike. 
  • Changing weather conditions and landscapes can also trigger an increase in invasive plant species, crowding out or overtaking native rhino food plants and causing general habitat degradation. 

Status of Rhino: 

Javan Rhinos:

  • The status and whereabouts of 12 of the approximately 76 remaining Javan rhinos is unknown. 

Sumatran Rhinos: 

  • Signs of Sumatran rhinos are increasingly hard to find, creating more uncertainty about their population in the wild. White Rhinos: 
  • 2,000 white rhinos from “World’s Largest Rhino Farm” will now be rewilded throughout Africa. 

Bright Spots: 

  • Greater one-horned rhinos in India and Nepal continue to thrive due to strong protection. 
  • Black rhinos in Africa are rebounding in the past few decades at a strong growth rate despite still significant poaching losses. 
  • With the right interventions, all five rhino species can rebound and thrive in our ever changing world. Recommendations: 
  • Implement a holistic strategy to safeguard rhinos by addressing poaching, habitat protection, community involvement, capacity building, demand reduction, advocacy, and wildlife trafficking disruption.

Rooftop Solar 


  • Rooftop solar is a photovoltaic system that has its electricity-generating solar panels mounted on the rooftop of a residential or commercial building or structure. 
  • Rooftop mounted systems are small compared to ground-mounted photovoltaic power stations with capacities in the megawatt range. 
  • Rooftop PV systems on residential buildings typically feature a capacity of about 5 to 20 kilowatts (kW), while those mounted on commercial buildings often reach 100 kilowatts or more. 


Flip-Flopping Policies: 

  • Although many companies began using solar energy, flip-flopping (sudden real or apparent change of policy) policies remained a major hurdle, especially when it came to power distribution companies (discoms). 
  • Industry executives point out RTS was becoming attractive for several consumer segments when discoms and state governments started tightening regulations for the sector. 
  • India's Goods and Service Tax (GST) Council recently hiked the GST of many components of the solar system from 5% to 12%. 
  • It will increase RTS's capital cost by 4-5%. 

Inconsistent Rules on Net and Gross Metering: 

  • Net metering regulations are one of the major obstacles facing the sector. 
  • According to a report, Power ministry’s new rules that excludes rooftop solar systems above 10 kilowatts (kW) from net-metering would stall adoption of larger installations in India affecting the country’s rooftop solar target. 
  • The new rules mandate net-metering for rooftop solar projects up to 10 kW and gross metering for systems with loads above 10 kW. 
  • Net metering allows surplus power produced by RTS systems to be fed back into the grid. 
  • Under the gross metering scheme, state DISCOMS compensate consumers with a fixed feed-in-tariff for the solar power supplied to the grid by the consumer. 

Low Financing: 

  • The Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has advised banks to give loans for RTS at subsidised rates. However, nationalised banks hardly offer loans to RTS. 
  • Thus, many private players have come into the market that offer loans for RTS at higher rates like 10-12%

Red Sea 

  • The Red Sea is a semi-enclosed tropical basin, bounded by northeastern Africa, to the west, and the Arabian peninsula, to the east. 
  • The elongated and narrow-shaped basin extends between the Mediterranean Sea, to the northwest, and the Indian Ocean, to the southeast. 
  • At the northern end, it separates into the Gulf of Aqaba and the Gulf of Suez, which is connected to the Mediterranean Sea via the Suez Canal. 
  • At the southern end, it is connected to the Gulf of Aden, and the outer Indian Ocean, via the Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb. 
  • It is surrounded by desert or semi-desert areas, with no major freshwater inflow. 

Issues in the Red Sea and Panama Canal Presently Red Sea: 


  • Chemical tanker MV Chem Pluto was struck by a drone attack, approximately 200 nautical miles off Gujarat's coast.  MV Chem Pluto is a Liberia-flagged, Japaneseowned, and Netherlands-operated chemical tanker. It had started its journey carrying crude from Al Jubail, Saudi Arabia and was expected to arrive in New Mangalore, India. 

Allegedly Involved Entity: 

  • It is believed to have been carried out by Houthi rebels based in Yemen, citing protest against Israel’s actions in Gaza. Houthi rebels are also engaged in a decadelong civil conflict with Yemen's government. 

Panama Canal: 


  • Due to drought conditions, shipping through the 51-mile stretch of the Panama Canal has decreased by over 50%. 
  • A naturally occurring El Nino climate pattern associated with warmer-than-usual water in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean is contributing to Panama's drought. 

Infrastructural Lacunae: 

  • The Panama Canal's operational challenges and the shift in trade focus to alternative routes like the Red Sea have raised various concerns that require prompt attention. 
  • Issues such as the need for dredging and reducing depth have emerged, posing obstacles for the navigation of large vessels. Immediate measures are essential to address these challenges. 

Impact on India Due to the Above Issues 

Impact on Agricultural Commodities: 

  • Concerns arise for exporters of key commodities like basmati and tea due to disruptions in this critical trade route. Disruption in the Red Sea route could increase Indian agricultural product prices by 10-20% as shipments reroute through the Cape of Good Hope. 

Impact on Oil and Petroleum Trade: 

  • Global oil and petroleum flows have declined due to major shipping companies avoiding the Red Sea. However, India's oil imports from Russia remain unaffected. 
  • India's reliance on Russian oil, perceived as Iran’s ally, has remained stable amid the conflict in the Red Sea. 

Costlier Export to US: 

  • The water scarcity issue in the Panama Canal and the ensuing drought are forcing ships voyaging from Asia to the US to choose the Suez Canal, resulting in an additional six days of travel compared to the Panama Canal route. 

Panama Canal as not a Feasible Option: 

  • While the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait that leads to the Suez Canal in the Red Sea region connects Asia to Europe, the 100-year-old Panama Canal connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and is not a very viable option for India. Factors are Contributing to the Present Crisis 

Modern Weaponry Concerns: 

  • The Red Sea situation is becoming complex, impacting both stability and trade. 
  • The use of advanced weaponry raises questions about the effectiveness of joint defence efforts among nations, leading to concerns about trade disruption and claims of high interoperability. 

Adaptation of Piracy Techniques: 

  • Similar to past piracy challenges, delayed international responses have allowed rebels to adapt to modern technologies. 
  • This has led to tactics such as hijacking ships and using them as mother ships, expanding the 'High-Risk Area' and affecting maritime trade through rerouting and increased insurance costs. 

State Support and Missile Proliferation: 

  • The involvement of Houthi rebels using drones and Anti-Ship Ballistic Missiles (ASBMS), along with potential state support from Iran and China, raises concerns about missile technology proliferation. 
  • The supply of ASBMS, directly or indirectly, is linked to China, adding complexity to the situation. 

Lacklustre Response to Operation Prosperity Guardian: 

  • The U.S.-launched Operation Prosperity Guardian, intended to operate under the Combined Maritime Force, has seen a tepid response from allies and partners. 
  • NATO allies like France, Italy, and Spain operate independently, indicating doubts about the U.S.'s ability to drive international cooperative mechanisms.