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25 December Current Affairs

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Blu Dragon


  • For the past two days, blue dragons (Glaucus atlanticus), a type of sea slug, have been spotted on the beach and in waters near the shore in Besant Nagar

All about Blu Dragon

  • The blue dragon (Glaucus atlanticus) is a type of mollusk, or sea slug, known as a nudibranch.

  • It can be found on the surface of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans in temperate and tropical waters throughout the world.

  • These sea slugs are pelagic: they float upside down by using the surface tension of the water to stay up, where they are carried along by the winds and ocean currents.

  • This ornate creature rarely grows larger than three centimeters long or just over one inch.

  • The blue side of its body acts as camouflage against the backdrop of ocean waves, while the pearlized silver/grey side blends in with the bright sea surface, hiding it from predators below.

  • Glaucus atlanticus feeds on other aquatic creatures - that is, those that live near the water's surface.

  • The blue dragon stores the man o' war's stinging nematocysts within its finger-like appendages, making itself equally venomous to predators.

  • One sting from it can lead to nausea, pain, vomiting, acute allergic contact dermatitis, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

Areas of Cooperation between India and France


  • France was one of the first countries with which India signed a "strategic partnership" after the end of the Cold War, in January 1998.

  • France was also one of the very few countries to support India's decision to test nuclear weapons in 1998.

Defense Cooperation:

  • France has emerged as a key defense partner for India, becoming the second-largest defense supplier in 2017- 2021.

  • Joint Exercises: Exercise Shakti (Army), Exercise Varuna (Navy), Exercise Garuda (Air Force)

Economic Cooperation:

  • Bilateral trade between the two countries reached a new peak at USD 13.4 billion in 2022-23, with exports from India crossing USD 7 billion

  • France is the 11th largest foreign investor in India, with a cumulative investment of USD 10.49 billion from April 2000 to December 2022.

Cooperation at International Forum:

  • France supports India's bid for permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council as well as its entry into the Nuclear Suppliers Group.

Climate Cooperation:

  • Both countries are concerned about climate change, and India has supported France in the Paris Agreement expressing its strong commitment to mitigating the effects of climate change.

  • Both countries, as part of their joint efforts on climate change, launched the International Solar Alliance in 2015.

Cooperation at International Forum:

France supports India's bid for permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council as well as its entry into the Nuclear Suppliers Group.

Climate Cooperation:

  • Both countries are concerned about climate change, and India has supported France in the Paris Agreement expressing its strong commitment to mitigating the effects of climate change.

  • Both countries, as part of their joint efforts on climate change, launched the International Solar Alliance in 2015.


  • The 'Kinnow' is a high-yield citrus fruit cultivated extensively in the wider Punjab region of India and Pakistan.

  • It is a year-long duration crop and the main harvesting period is from November-end to March.

  • It looks similar to orange but is smaller in size.

Agricultural significance of Kinnows

  • Fallen fruit is a major challenge for Kinnow farmers in the state as one needs to dig up small pits to bury them, otherwise the fallen fruit rot and invite a fly attack on the healthy fruit still on the plants.

  • But now, some farmers are using this waste Kinnow to improve the pH level and soil fertility of their land by making BEs from this waste fruit.


  • Chemically, bio-zymes are a mixture of complex organic substances such as proteins, salts, and other materials that are by-products of the bacteria/yeast.

  • They are produced through fermentation of organic waste including various fruits, vegetable peels, and flowers, by mixing in sugar, jaggery/molasses, and water.

  • BEs also have a lot of usage in our daily lives. They can be used as natural cleansers.

Benefits offered by BEs

  • BEs have a lot of good microbes and one of the major methods is the overall improvement of our ecology.

  • It helps in mitigating the imbalance that occurs due to the overuse of chemicals, in our soil, air, and water.

  • In a state like Punjab where the water table is depleting fast and water contamination is also a major issue, BEs can bring the soil back to life.  

  • It helps in better water recharging and also stops the contamination of water by improving the health of the soil.



  • Aerogels are a class of highly porous materials derived from a gel, in which the liquid component of the gel has been replaced with gas.

  • They are known for their extremely low density, high porosity, and unique thermal and acoustic insulating properties.


  • Aerogels are typically composed of a network of interconnected nanoparticles or polymers, forming a solid, three-dimensional porous structure with a high surface area.

  • Common materials used in aerogel production include silica, carbon, metal oxides, and polymers.


Low Density: Aerogels are renowned for their exceptionally low density, often referred to as "frozen smoke," making them one of the lightest solid materials known to man.

High Porosity: With porosities ranging from 50%

to 99.8%, aerogels have an extensive internal surface area, providing excellent potential for various applications, such as infiltration, insulation, and catalysis.

Thermal Insulation: Aerogels exhibit remarkable

thermal insulating properties, making them highly effective in applications where heat transfer control is essential, such as in aerospace, construction, and energy-efficient technologies.

Acoustic Insulation: Their porous structure also enables exceptional sound-absorbing capabilities, making them valuable in noise reduction and acoustic engineering applications.


  • Environmental Remediation: Their high porosity and large surface area make them useful in environmental applications, such as water purification, air filtration, and as adsorbents for pollutants and toxins.

  • Electronics and Aerospace: Aerogels are employed in electronics for their electrical and thermal properties and in aerospace for lightweight components, thermal protection, and insulation in space missions.

Challenges and Future Prospects:

  • Cost and Scalability: Despite their exceptional properties, challenges related to the cost of production and scalability hinder the widespread adoption of aerogels in various industries.

Economic Community of West African States


  • The ECOWAS, also known as CEDEAO in French, is a regional intergovernmental organization established in 1975.

  • Created through the Lagos Treaty, ECOWAS aims to foster economic integration, cooperation, and development among West African nations.

  • The Secretariat is headquartered in Abuja, Nigeria.

Member States:

  • ECOWAS consists of 15 member states: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cote d' Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Senegal, and Togo.

  • They are promoting economic integration among member states.

  • Facilitating the free movement of people, goods, and services.

  • Enhancing regional cooperation in various sectors, including industry, transport, energy, and finance.

  • Fostering a borderless region governed by democratic principles, the rule of law, and good governance.

  • Addressing security and political challenges through collaboration and conflict resolution.

Achievements and Initiatives:

  • The establishment of a regional peacekeeping force known as the Economic Community of West African States Monitoring Group (ECOMOG), which played pivotal roles in resolving conflicts in Liberia and Sierra Leone during the 1990s and early 2000s.

  • Launching the ECOWAS Single Currency Initiative to create a common currency, fostering economic integration and trade.

  • Supporting efforts to combat terrorism, human trafficking, and organized crime through joint initiatives and collaboration.